Super Mario Maker Mario and Luigi front and center!
It's always Year of Luigi for us.
Dark Link and Mario join in trying out The Legend of Zelda; Tri Force Heroes!
Looks like somebody went to e3 and got a totally rad shirt!
Blue Link isn't going to survival in or out the game.
Waiting in line to try out Super Mario Maker!
Good luck!
Wait...that's not Super Mario Maker...
Cosplayers at the theatre.
Blue Link cheering in the front!
Look at the crowd!
Look at the view!
More cosplayers!
The most feared one in this picture is the Cucco.
Overall we had a fun weekend! We promoted the memory of Nintendo Power and met some fellow gamers!
For those new to Operation: Power Up, we’re a group of dedicated fans persuading Nintendo of America to bring back Nintendo Power as a digital publication and/or a website. With fan publications such as Pure Nintendo, Nintendo Force, there’s still a market for a dedicated Nintendo publication. Our mission is simple: we want to get back the Power!
On May 13, 2015 Nintendo of America has revealed one of their big plans for this year's e3: the return of the Nintendo World Championships!
Now you're playing with Power!
For those who don't know, in 1990, the Nintendo World Champions was a special nationwide contest that occurred in 30 states in the US. Players competed for the highest score on the Nintendo World Championships 1990 cart which featured the games Super Mario Bros, Rad Racer and Tetris. The finalist won $250 and a trip to Universal Studios Hollywood to compete in the World Finals!
Fun Fact: The gold cart itself is the Holy Grail of NES games and it was given out in a seperate contest featured in, you guessed it, Nintendo Power!
On May 30th, select Best Buy retailers will have qualifying competitions, and on June 14th the event will be streamed live! For more information check out Nintendo's e3 site.
Our only wish is to invite Fred Savage, Luke Edwards, and Jenny Lewis and call it The Wizard 2. Also calling it Nintendo PowerFest 2015 would also be a nice touch. But we can only dream...
For those new to Operation: Power Up, we’re a group of dedicated fans persuading Nintendo of America to bring back Nintendo Power as a digital publication and/or a website. With fan publications such as Pure Nintendo, Nintendo Force, there’s still a market for a dedicated Nintendo publication. Our mission is simple: we want to get back the Power!
Last weekend, we at Operation: Power Up attended PAX South, the first Penny Arcade Expo located in the south. Gamers from around the San Antonio area participated in the festivities. We at Operation: Power Up had four objectives while being there:
1. Promote our campaign.
2. Inform gamers of Pure Nintendo Magazine and Nintendo Force if they haven't heard of it by now.
3. Check out the Nintendo booth.
4. Find as many Nintendo cosplayers to fill up this post.
At PAX South, Nintendo was promoting the upcoming The Legend of Zelda: Majroa's Mask 3D and the New Nintendo 3DS.
Here's some pics we took of the Nintendo booth.
The booth and it's entirety.
Better view of the overhead display/moon.
Majora's Mask from inside the booth.
A closer view of Majora's Mask.
Fun fact: Nintendo commissioned Li Kovacs to make the prop above.
A look from inside.
Mario checking out Codename: S.T.E.A.M.
Majora's Mask 3DS!
If you were dressed up as a Zelda character, you could skip in line for the Majora's Mask 3D demo!
Blue Link playing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.
Multiple 3DS titles at this booth
A look for the side.
A look from the back.
And of the front!
The tickets were given to players who finished playing a demo. They can be exchanged for free Nintendo stuff.
Free Nintendo swag!
We got a picture with Krysta Yang!
You might remember her from the Nintendo Minute videos.
Since our campaign is Nintendo related, we decided to post all the Nintendo related cosplays (and shenanigans) we found at PAX.
Since our campaign is Nintendo-related, we decided to upload all the Nintendo-related cosplays (and shenanigans) we found at PAX to our Facebook page. You can check out the album here.
For those new to Operation: Power Up, we’re a group of dedicated fans persuading Nintendo of America to bring back Nintendo Power as a digital publication and/or a website. With fan publications such as Pure Nintendo, Nintendo Force, there’s still a market for a dedicated Nintendo publication. Our mission is simple: we want to get back the Power. Nintendo Power (and ONM too)!
It's that time of year again! That magical time of year where Nintendo of America has their annual winter Holiday Mall Experience. We at OP PowerUp, are no strangers to this, so let's jump right in with pictures and silly captions!
Fado and the Brothers!
Fado relaxing.
A Link Between Worlds
Discover the Power, Nintendo Power!
Full display!
Captain Toad and Skylanders!
The cosplay crew!
These guys again!
Sweet Hyule Warriors setup!
"Is it my turn yet?"
Who will win?
Nintendo Land
Who did you start with?
Presents galore!
Some of the Nintendo Mall staff!
Reindeer games!
Smash for 3DS
More Smash!
This adorable lad is name Tyler. He met our Super Mario Brothers cosplayers! He was so
happy to see the Super Mario Bros in real life that hugged Luigi
thinking he was from the video game. He was telling the brothers about
much he loved Luigi in Mario Kart and that he was his favorite Mario
brother. The Super Mario Bros were so touched by this child’s genuine
and cheerful emotions that they bought him a Mario Amiibo as an early
Christmas gift!
So there you have it! It's been a great year for us Nintendo fans! What will be in store for us next year? Maybe the return of Nintendo Power? We can only hope!